저는 뇌과학자입니다. 뇌과학자로서
사실 저는 뇌가 어떻게 학습하는지에 관심이 있습니다.
가능성이 있는지에 관심이 있어요.
말씀드리려고 합니다. 비디오 게임을 말하면
여러분들 대부분은 아이들을 생각하시겠죠.
그렇습니다. 어린 아이들의 90%가 비디오 게임을 하죠.
그런데, 좀 솔직해지죠.
여러분들 대부분이죠. 게임하는 사람들의 평균 연령은 33세 입니다.
8살짜리가 아니고요. 사실 비디오 게임의
더 나이가 많은 성인들입니다. (웃음)
비디오 게임은 우리 사회에 널리 퍼져있습니다.
분명히 여기 있는거죠. 비디오 게임은 우리의 일상 생활에
놀라울 정도의 영향력을 가지고 있어요. Activision이 내놓은
이 통계 자료를 보세요. 여기 이 게임
도합 68,000년이나 실행되었어요.
그래서 저희 실험실에서 의문을 갖는 것은 어떻게 그런 힘을 지렛대 삼을 수 있겠는가 하는 겁니다.
지금 현재는 한 발짝 물러나려고 합니다.
적인 좀비를 잡는 것을 따라 지었어요.
저는 여러분들 대부분이 이랗게 생각하시리라는 것을 압니다.
지적인 것을 할 수는 없을까?" 라고요.
여러분이 가지셨을 생각과 같은 맥락으로 보겠습니다.
대부분의 부모들은 그걸 대단한 것으로 보시겠죠.
말하려는 것이 아닙니다.
안그래요, 지나친 것은 절대로 좋지 않아요.
강력하고 긍정적인 효과를 나타냅니다.
나쁜지에 대한 주요 제목의 기사가 나옵니다.
여러분들은 모두 그런 것로 둘러싸여 있죠.
여러분들이 실제로 실험실로 들어가 보시게 하고 싶어요.
저희 실험실에서 하고 있는 것은 사실 직접적인 측정이에요.
저희가 하고 있는 작업 가운데 몇가지 예를 들어 보이죠.
시력이 나빠진다는 것입니다.
그건 시력에 대한 이야기구요.
여러분들 중에도 시각 관련 전문가가 많이 계실 겁니다.
저희는 그런걸 어떻게 실험하는지 알고 있습니다.
실험실로 들어가 여러분의 시력이 얼마나 좋은지 측정항 수 있어요.
"교정 또는 정상"인 시각을 가지고 있습니다. 그건 좋아요.
어떤 일이 일어난가 하는 겁니다. 주당 5시간,
주당 10시간, 주당 15시간, 이런 식으로요.
앞에 말씀드린 내용에 의하면, 이런 사람들의 시력은 절망 나빠야 하거든요. 그렇겠죠?
그거 아세요? 이 사람들의 시력은 정말로 좋습니다.
게임을 하지 않는 사람들보다도 더 좋습니다.
두 가지 다른 측면에서 더 좋은데요.
더 탁월하다는 점입니다.
안개 속에서 운전하고 있다고 생각해 보세요.
보고 차를 피할 수 있거나, 사고를 내는 차이점인 겁니다.
상태를 유지하는 효과를 얻어내려고 하고 있어요.
분명히 여러분들의 시력을 악화시키지 않습니다.
비디오 게임은 집중력에 문제를 일으켜 산만하게 된다는 것이요.
좋아요, 저희는 실험실에서 집중력을 실험하는 방법을 알고 있습니다.
우리가 어떻게 하는지 실제 예를 하나 보여드리려고 합니다.
실제로 저와 게임을 할 것입니다. 제가 색이 칠해진
글자를 보여드립니다. 그러면 여러분들이 그 색깔을 크게 외치는 겁니다.
아시겠죠? 이것이 첫 번째 예입니다.
오렌지, 좋습니다. ["탁자"] 녹색.
["칠판"] 청주이 빨강. 강연자 : 빨강.
["말"] 강연자: 노랑. 청중: 노랑.
["노랑"] 강연자: 빨강. 청중: 빨강.
좋습니다. 제가 말씀드리려는걸 아시겠죠? (웃음)
점점 더 잘 하시는데요. 하지만 어렵죠. 왜 어려울까요?
갈등 요소를 넣었기 때문이에요.
그런 갈등을 얼마나 잘 해결하는가를 결정합니다. 그래서
나이든 우리들보다 조금 더 잘 했습니다.
그 사람들이 실제로 갈등을 더 빨리 해결한다는 점 입니다.
주의력 문제가 일어나지 않습니다.
집중에 관해서 다른 많은 잇점을 가지고 있어요.
세상에서 주변에 있는 물체를 추적하는 능력입니다.
이건 우리가 항상 사용하는 것이죠. 운전을 할 때,
추적합니다. 주변의 차를 계속해서 추적하고 있는거죠.
길을 걷는 사람이나 뛰어가는 개도 추적합니다.
컴퓨터 화면 앞에 앉아서 맞이합니다.
제가 이제 여러분들께 해보시라고 드릴 작은 임무를 그들에게도 주죠.
몇몇 슬프게 파란 얼굴도 보시겠죠. 이것은
제네바에 있는 학교에서 쉬는 시간 동안의 아이들 모습입니다.
겨울이죠. 대부분의 아이들은 행복합니다. 쉬는 시간이니까요.
하지만 몇몇 아이들은 슬프고 우울해 보입니다. 코트을 잃어버렸기 때문인데요,
모든 사람들이 움직이기 시작합니다. 여러분들의 임무는
추적합니다. 슬픈 아이가 단 한 명만 있는 예를
보여드리죠. 이건 쉬워요. 왜냐하면
이건 눈으로 따라갈 수 있으니까요. 추적하고,
의문 부호가 있어요. 제가 묻습니다, 이 아이에게 코트가 있었을까 없었을까?
노랑이라고 하시는 분들이 몇분 계시군요. 그러니까, 여러분들 대부분은 좋은 머리를 가지고 계신겁니다. (웃음)
조금 더 어렵습니다. 파란 것이 3개 있습니다.
눈을 움직이지 마세요.
눈을 크게 떠 집중해 보세요. 그렇게 하는 것이
사실 유일한 방법인데요. 눈을 움직이면, 지는 겁니다.
청중: 노랑색. 강연자: 맞습니다.
3개에서 4개에 걸친 물체에 집중하실 수 있습니다.
우리가 금방 했던거죠. 액션 비디오 게임 플레이어는
6개에서 7개까지의 물체에 걸쳐 집중할 수 있습니다.
여기 비디오에 보시는 바와 같습니다.
저건 여러분들, 액션 비디오 게임 플레이어 용이에요.
분들이 계시군요, 네 좋습니다. (웃음)
좋아요. 사람들의 행동에서 비디오 게임의 영향을
비디오 게임의 영향을 볼 수 있습니다. 이런 변화가 발견됐어요.
뇌의 네트워크에 있습니다. 그 한 부분은 대뇌피질인데,
주의력의 방향을 조절하는 것으로 잘 알려져 있습니다.
우리가 주의력을 얼마나 유지하는지를 관장하죠.
조절하는지, 그리고 갈등 해결을 관장합니다.
훨신 더 효율적이라는 사실을 알아냈습니다.
직관적으로 반대되는 결과를 찾게 한 것입니다.
우리는 모두 다중 작업이란 것을 알고 있죠. 우리는 누구나
다중 작업에서 실수를 합니다. 아주 좋지 않은 생각이죠.
신속하게 대응하는 능력을 상실합니다.
그래서 사고를 낼 가능성이 훨씬 더 커지죠.
이제, 우리는 그런 능력을 실험실에서 측정할 수 있습니다.
얼마나 사고가 나는지 확인해보라고는 하지 않습니다.
그건 댓가가 큰 제안이죠. 하지만 컴퓨터 상에서 그런걸
측정하도록 만들 수는 있죠. 사람들이 한 임무에서 다른 임무로
얼마나 신속하게 옮겨 가는지 천분의 1초까지 정확하게 측정합니다.
정말, 정말로 잘 한다는 것을 알았습니다.
이 사람들은 정말 빠르고 신속하게 옮겨갑니다. 댓가도 적게 치르죠.
그 결과를 기억하고 계시기 바랍니다. 그리고, 그것을
다중 매체 임무를 수행하는 사람들을 대상으로 해보죠.
동시에 웹 검색을 합니다.
동시에 페이스 북에서 친구들과 잡담도 나누죠.
그런게 다중 매체 임무에요.
다중 임무에서 절대적으로 최악이라는 사실을 밝혀냈습니다.
실험실에서 그들을 측정했더니 정말 엉망이었어요.
두가지 중요한 요점이 있어요.
첫째는 모든 미디어가 똑같이 만들어지지는 않는다는 점이죠.
비교될 수는 없습니다. 이런 것들은
다른 효과를 보이거든요.
액션이 많이 들어있는 비디오 게임에 대해 말씀드리고 있습니다.
다른 비디오 게임드들은 뇌에 다른 영향을 미치게 됩니다.
어떤 영향을 미치는지 알아봐야 할 필요가 있습니다.
다른 교훈으로는 일반적인 지혜가 어떤 의미도 없다는 점입니다.
하는 사람들이 좋은 시각능력을 갖게 된다는 것 등입니다.
시험에서 최고점을 받을거라고 확신하더라는 것입니다.
사람들에게 그들의 자료를 보여주세요. 사람들에게 학생들이
잘하고 있는게 아니라는 것을 보여주세요. 그 학생들은 마치 :절대 불가능한" 듯이 보입니다.
그들은 육감적으로 아주 잘, 정말로 잘 하고 있다고 생각합니다.
측정해 봐야 하는 또 다른 이유이기도 합니다.
조사하는 것과 매우 흡사합니다.
와인을 잘 이용하지 못하는 경우가 있죠. 비디오 게임을
잘 이용하지 못하는 경우도 물론 있습니다. 하지만,
와인은 건강에 아주 좋을 수도 있습니다. 실제로
특정한 성분이 있다는 것이 밝혀졌습니다.
매우 강력한 영향을 미치는 요소들이 있습니다.
아이들이 그런 게임을 더 잘 하도록 만들어 보려고 합니다.
어떻게 해내는가에는 그리 큰 관심을 갖고 잇는게 아닙니다.
그 사람의 시각 능력을 증진할 수 있는가 하는 문제입니다.
그 사람이 그런 액션 게임을 하고 싶어하든 말든 말이죠.
그것이 재활이나 교육을 위한 요점입니다.
아이들 대부분은 이런 이야기를 하고 싶어 학교가지는 않아요.
"아 좋다. 수학이 두 시간이나 있다니!" 같은 거요.
그게 정말 연구의 가장 중요한 부분입니다. 그러려면,
우리는 한 단계 더 나아가야만 합니다.
그 단계는 훈련에 대한 연구이죠.
그런 단계를 여러분들께 보여드리겠습니다.
"정신적 회전"이라는 임무인데요.
그러면 여러분들이 그걸 하셔야 합니다.
이 모양을 보세요. 잘 연구해 보세요. 그것이 바라는 최종 모양입니다.
저는 여러분들께 4개의 다른 모양을 보여드리고요.
모양입니다. 제게 그게 어떤 것인지 말씀해 보세요:
좋아요. 제가 도와드리죠. 네번째에요.
한번 더 해볼까요. 두뇌를 작동시켜 보세요.
이것이 우리가 바라는 최종 모양입니다.
세번째요! 네 잘 하셨습니다. 이건 좀 어렵죠?
이건 생각없이 하는 액션 비디오 게임과는 정말 다르게 느껴집니다.
실험실에 오고, 이런 임무를 하게 됩니다.
그러면 저희가 액션 게임을 10시간 하시도록 하죠.
사람들은 10시간 동안 계속해서 게임을 하지는 않습니다.
사람들은 드문드문 연습을 한다는거죠. 40분짜리로 짧게 짧게
2주 정도에 걸쳐 여러번 만에 해냅니다.
수행합니다. 이건 토론토에 있는 제 동료가 수행한
성취 정도를 보입니다. 액션 비디오 게임을 이용하여
2주간 연습을 하고 나면 사람들이 더 잘하게 됩니다.
증진된 상태를 유지합니다. 그건 정말, 정말 중요한 겁니다.
한다고 말씀드렸습니다. 우리에게는 오래 지속되는
효과가 필요하거든요.
음, 저희도 노력하고 있지만 약간의 문제가 있습니다.
방정식의 프로콜리 효과라는 겁니다.
제품을 내는데 극히 재빠르게 움직입니다.
그건 방정식의 달콤한 측면이지요.
문제는, 우리는 두가지를 종합할 필요가 있다는 점이에요.
그건 음식하고도 약간 유사합니다.
여러분들은 아무도 아니시죠. (웃음) 여러분들도 아마
그런 생각이셨을 겁니다. 교육용 게임을 손에 들고
아니야라는 그런 느낌말입니다.
그래서 우리가 필요로 하는 것은 정말로 새로운 제품의 초코렛이에요.
두뇌에 잘 작용하는 것들이어야 합니다. 저희도 애쓰고 있습니다.
서로 매일 만나는 사람들이 아니거든요. 할 수는 있어요.
저희가 제대로 하고 있습니다.
여러분들께 그 문제를 생각해보시도록 하겠습니다.
들어주셔서 감사합니다. (박수)
Translator: Joseph Geni Reviewer: Morton Bast
I'm a brain scientist, and as a brain scientist,
I'm actually interested in how the brain learns,
and I'm especially interested in a possibility of
making our brains smarter, better and faster.
This is in this context I'm going to tell you
about video games. When we say video games,
most of you think about children.
It's true. Ninety percent of children do play video games.
But let's be frank.
When the kids are in bed, who is in front of the PlayStation?
Most of you. The average age of a gamer is 33 years old,
not eight years old, and in fact, if we look
at the projected demographics of video game play,
the video game players of tomorrow are
older adults. (Laughter)
So video [gaming] is pervasive throughout our society.
It is clearly here to stay. It has an amazing impact
on our everyday life. Consider these statistics
released by Activision. After one month of release
of the game "Call Of Duty: Black Ops," it had been played
for 68,000 years
worldwide, right?
Would any of you complain if this was the case
about doing linear algebra?
So what we are asking in the lab is, how can we leverage that power?
Now I want to step back a bit.
I know most of you have had the experience of coming back
home and finding your kids playing these kinds of games.
(Shooting noises) The name of the game is to get
after your enemy zombie bad guys
before they get to you, right?
And I'm almost sure most of you have thought,
"Oh, come on, can't you do something more intelligent
than shooting at zombies?"
I'd like you to put this kind of knee-jerk reaction
in the context of what you would have thought
if you had found your girl playing sudoku
or your boy reading Shakespeare. Right?
Most parents would find that great.
Well, I'm not going to tell you that playing video games
days in and days out is actually good for your health.
It's not, and binging is never good.
But I'm going to argue that in reasonable doses,
actually the very game I showed you at the beginning,
those action-packed shooter games
have quite powerful effects and positive effects
on many different aspects of our behavior.
There's not one week that goes without some major
headlines in the media about whether video games are
good or bad for you, right? You're all bombarded with that.
I'd like to put this kind of Friday night bar discussion aside
and get you to actually step into the lab.
What we do in the lab is actually measure directly,
in a quantitative fashion, what is the impact
of video games on the brain.
And so I'm going to take a few examples from our work.
One first saying that I'm sure you all have heard
is the fact that too much screen time
makes your eyesight worse.
That's a statement about vision.
There may be vision scientists among you.
We actually know how to test that statement.
We can step into the lab and measure how good your vision is.
Well, guess what? People that don't play a lot
of action games, that don't actually spend a lot of time
in front of screens, have normal, or what we call
corrective-to-normal vision. That's okay.
The issue is what happens with these guys that actually
indulge into playing video games like five hours per week,
10 hours per week, 15 hours per week.
By that statement, their vision should be really bad, right?
Guess what? Their vision is really, really good.
It's better than those that don't play.
And it's better in two different ways.
The first way is that they're actually able to resolve
small detail in the context of clutter, and though that means
being able to read the fine print on a prescription
rather than using magnifier glasses, you can actually do it
with just your eyesight.
The other way that they are better is actually being able
to resolve different levels of gray.
Imagine you're driving in a fog. That makes a difference
between seeing the car in front of you
and avoiding the accident, or getting into an accident.
So we're actually leveraging that work to develop games
for patients with low vision, and to have an impact
on retraining their brain to see better.
Clearly, when it comes to action video games,
screen time doesn't make your eyesight worse.
Another saying that I'm sure you have all heard around:
Video games lead to attention problems and greater distractability.
Okay, we know how to measure attention in the lab.
I'm actually going to give you an example of how we do so.
I'm going to ask you to participate, so you're going to have
to actually play the game with me. I'm going to show you
colored words. I want you to shout out the color of the ink.
Right? So this is the first example.
Orange, good. ["Table"] Green.
["Board"] Audience: Red.Daphne Bavelier: Red.
["Horse"] DB: Yellow. Audience: Yellow.
["Yellow"] DB: Red. Audience: Yellow.
["Blue"] DB: Yellow.
Okay, you get my point, right? (Laughter)
You're getting better, but it's hard. Why is it hard?
Because I introduced a conflict between
the word itself and its color.
How good your attention is determines actually how fast
you resolve that conflict, so the young guys here
at the top of their game probably, like, did a little better
than some of us that are older.
What we can show is that when you do this kind of task
with people that play a lot of action games,
they actually resolve the conflict faster.
So clearly playing those action games doesn't lead
to attention problems.
Actually, those action video game players have
many other advantages in terms of attention, and one
aspect of attention which is also improved for the better
is our ability to track objects around in the world.
This is something we use all the time. When you're driving,
you're tracking, keeping track of the cars around you.
You're also keeping track of the pedestrian, the running dog,
and that's how you can actually be safe driving, right?
In the lab, we get people to come to the lab,
sit in front of a computer screen, and we give them
little tasks that I'm going to get you to do again.
You're going to see yellow happy faces
and a few sad blue faces. These are children
in the schoolyard in Geneva during a recess
during the winter. Most kids are happy. It's actually recess.
But a few kids are sad and blue because they've forgotten their coat.
Everybody begins to move around, and your task
is to keep track of who had a coat at the beginning
and who didn't. So I'm just going to show you an example
where there is only one sad kid. It's easy because you can
actually track it with your eyes. You can track,
you can track, and then when it stops, and there is
a question mark, and I ask you, did this kid have a coat or not?
Was it yellow initially or blue?
I hear a few yellow. Good. So most of you have a brain. (Laughter)
I'm now going to ask you to do the task, but now with
a little more challenging task. There are going to be
three of them that are blue. Don't move your eyes.
Please don't move your eyes. Keep your eyes fixated
and expand, pull your attention. That's the only way
you can actually do it. If you move your eyes, you're doomed.
Yellow or blue?
Audience: Yellow.DB: Good.
So your typical normal young adult
can have a span of about three or four objects of attention.
That's what we just did. Your action video game player
has a span of about six to seven objects of attention,
which is what is shown in this video here.
That's for you guys, action video game players.
A bit more challenging, right? (Laughter)
Yellow or blue? Blue. We have some people
that are serious out there. Yeah. (Laughter)
Good. So in the same way that we actually see
the effects of video games on people's behavior,
we can use brain imaging and look at the impact
of video games on the brain, and we do find many changes,
but the main changes are actually to the brain networks
that control attention. So one part is the parietal cortex
which is very well known to control the orientation of attention.
The other one is the frontal lobe, which controls
how we sustain attention, and another one
is the anterior cingulate, which controls how we allocate
and regulate attention and resolve conflict.
Now, when we do brain imaging, we find that all three
of these networks are actually much more efficient
in people that play action games.
This actually leads me to a rather counterintuitive finding
in the literature about technology and the brain.
You all know about multitasking. You all have been faulty
of multitasking when you're driving
and you pick up your cellphone. Bad idea. Very bad idea.
Why? Because as your attention shifts to your cell phone,
you are actually losing the capacity to react swiftly
to the car braking in front of you, and so you're
much more likely to get engaged into a car accident.
Now, we can measure that kind of skills in the lab.
We obviously don't ask people to drive around and see
how many car accidents they have. That would be a little
costly proposition. But we design tasks on the computer
where we can measure, to millisecond accuracy,
how good they are at switching from one task to another.
When we do that, we actually find that people
that play a lot of action games are really, really good.
They switch really fast, very swiftly. They pay a very small cost.
Now I'd like you to remember that result, and put it
in the context of another group of technology users,
a group which is actually much revered by society,
which are people that engage in multimedia-tasking.
What is multimedia-tasking? It's the fact that most of us,
most of our children, are engaged with listening to music
at the same time as they're doing search on the web
at the same time as they're chatting on Facebook with their friends.
That's a multimedia-tasker.
There was a first study done by colleagues at Stanford
and that we replicated that showed that
those people that identify as being high multimedia-taskers
are absolutely abysmal at multitasking.
When we measure them in the lab, they're really bad.
Right? So these kinds of results really
makes two main points.
The first one is that not all media are created equal.
You can't compare the effect of multimedia-tasking
and the effect of playing action games. They have
totally different effects on different aspects of cognition,
perception and attention.
Even within video games, I'm telling you right now
about these action-packed video games.
Different video games have a different effect on your brains.
So we actually need to step into the lab and really measure
what is the effect of each video game.
The other lesson is that general wisdom carries no weight.
I showed that to you already, like we looked at the fact that
despite a lot of screen time, those action gamers
have a lot of very good vision, etc.
Here, what was really striking is that these undergraduates
that actually report engaging in a lot of high
multimedia-tasking are convinced they aced the test.
So you show them their data, you show them they are bad
and they're like, "Not possible." You know, they have
this sort of gut feeling that, really, they are doing really, really good.
That's another argument for why we need to step into the lab
and really measure the impact of technology on the brain.
Now in a sense, when we think about the effect
of video games on the brain, it's very similar
to the effect of wine on the health.
There are some very poor uses of wine. There are some
very poor uses of video games. But when consumed
in reasonable doses, and at the right age,
wine can be very good for health. There are actually
specific molecules that have been identified
in red wine as leading to greater life expectancy.
So it's the same way, like those action video games
have a number of ingredients that are actually really
powerful for brain plasticity, learning, attention,
vision, etc., and so we need and we're working on
understanding what are those active ingredients so that
we can really then leverage them to deliver better games,
either for education or for rehabilitation of patients.
Now because we are interested in having an impact
for education or rehabilitation of patients, we are actually
not that interested in how those of you that choose
to play video games for many hours on end perform.
I'm much more interested in taking any of you
and showing that by forcing you to play an action game,
I can actually change your vision for the better,
whether you want to play that action game or not, right?
That's the point of rehabilitation or education.
Most of the kids don't go to school saying,
"Great, two hours of math!"
So that's really the crux of the research, and to do that,
we need to go one more step.
And one more step is to do training studies.
So let me illustrate that step with
a task which is called mental rotation.
Mental rotation is a task where I'm going to ask you,
and again you're going to do the task,
to look at this shape. Study it, it's a target shape,
and I'm going to present to you four different shapes.
One of these four different shapes is actually a rotated
version of this shape. I want you to tell me which one:
the first one, second one, third one or fourth one?
Okay, I'll help you. Fourth one.
One more. Get those brains working. Come on.
That's our target shape.
Third. Good! This is hard, right?
Like, the reason that I asked you to do that is because
you really feel your brain cringing, right?
It doesn't really feel like playing mindless action video games.
Well, what we do in these training studies is, people
come to the lab, they do tasks like this one,
we then force them to play 10 hours of action games.
They don't play 10 hours of action games in a row.
They do distributed practice, so little shots of 40 minutes
several days over a period of two weeks.
Then, once they are done with the training, they come back
a few days later and they are tested again on a similar type
of mental rotation task. So this is work from a colleague
in Toronto. What they showed is that, initially,
you know, subjects perform where they are expected
to perform given their age. After two weeks of training
on action video games, they actually perform better,
and the improvement is still there five months after
having done the training. That's really, really important.
Why? Because I told you we want to use these games
for education or for rehabilitation. We need to have effects
that are going to be long-lasting.
Now, at this point, a number of you are probably wondering
well, what are you waiting for, to put on the market
a game that would be good for the attention
of my grandmother and that she would actually enjoy,
or a game that would be great to rehabilitate the vision
of my grandson who has amblyopia, for example?
Well, we're working on it, but here is a challenge.
There are brain scientists like me that are beginning
to understand what are the good ingredients in games
to promote positive effects, and that's what I'm going
to call the broccoli side of the equation.
There is an entertainment software industry
which is extremely deft at coming up with
appealing products that you can't resist.
That's the chocolate side of the equation.
The issue is we need to put the two together,
and it's a little bit like with food.
Who really wants to eat chocolate-covered broccoli?
None of you. (Laughter) And you probably have had
that feeling, right, picking up an education game
and sort of feeling, hmm, you know, it's not really fun,
it's not really engaging. So what we need
is really a new brand of chocolate, a brand of chocolate
that is irresistible, that you really want to play,
but that has all the ingredients, the good ingredients
that are extracted from the broccoli that you can't recognize
but are still working on your brains. And we're working on it,
but it takes brain scientists to come and to get together,
people that work in the entertainment software industry,
and publishers, so these are not people that usually
meet every day, but it's actually doable,
and we are on the right track.
I'd like to leave you with that thought,
and thank you for your attention. (Applause)